Day Care Centre

Day Care Centre

     Day Care Centre for children is one of the prime activities of the Rural Development Trust. It is being run for the children who are from 0 to 6 years of tender age. This centre was started to support the working parents to leave their children in a secured place where they are cared as well as they are taught the basics in their vernacular. Taking care of the kids was the responsibility of either mothers or siblings in the family once. This curbed the income of the mothers and hampered the education of the siblings. And also there are no child care centers run by the Government in these villages. No other organization has also started any centers in the villages hwre RDT has been working since the inception. It also reduces the under 5 mortality rate. The introduction of child care centre offered regular income for both the working parents and provided education for the siblings. This also protected the children exposing to scorching sun in the construction sites. This also provided good nutrition intake for the malnourished migrant children. Scientific studies and researches help the organization submit petitions to the government in view of accomplishing the things done. RDT has also become successful in registering the births of migrant children once which was not executed.

      All the centres are working from 9.00A.M to 4.00 P.M every day. Moreover, children are also provided colourful stitched dresses and play materials, which motivate the children to come to the centres regularly. Rural Development Trust also conducts periodical health camps for children to enhance their health status. Play way method is administered in teaching by the qualified teachers who have undergone specific training on child care. Mothers’ meeting is conducted in lieu of motivating their kids on time.