1. Development Activities
1.1 Health AwarenessAwareness on corona and other communicable diseases was given in all the tuition centres. Children were asked to take precautions whenever they got fever and related diseases. Standard operative procedures were strictly followed, whenever there was threat regarding the spread. Local nurses and health workers were involved in providing awareness. Day care centres were also given this awareness by RDT. The same awareness campaign was done in all the working villages of RDT.
1.2 Eye CampRDT organized eye camp in the current year with the support of M.N.hospital, Thandaiyarpet, Chennai. Medical team reached all the spots and the camp went on for 4 hours in all the spots. Many people were given spectacles also during the camp. People were given the spectacles at lower rates. They could not get any opportunity to visit hospitals before the camp. Four camps were conducted and 255 people benefited out of the camps. 31 persons have undergone eye surgery too at free of cost.
1.3 Providing traditional food2023 has been announced as international year of millets. RDT has taken measures regarding this and introduced many types of millet in the working villages. Local millets were procured and people were given to prepare Varity of food items with more tasty. Nutritious types of greens were cooked. Green gram, Ragi, and green vegetables were also given to them. This was done in Alathur Erikarai and Kalaignar Street. Awareness on the millets and Nutritious intake was given in Kottamedu and Alathur, Jeeva Nagar. Teachers from ICDS centre also participated and appreciated the efforts of the organization. 80 people benefitted out of the program.
2. Housing and development Activities
2.1 Getting housing landRDT works to get land for housing in the villages where the need is awaiting. 203 families from Kuppathu Kuntram, Jeevanagar-Alathur, Oragadam, Nallur, ChinnaKayar and Idayankuppam have received the housing land in 2022-2023. Steps to construct houses are going on.
2.2 Construction of housesSanitation is the 6th goal in the sustainable development goals 2030. RDT takes enormous efforts in promoting Swatch Bharat campaigns. People in the villages are given awareness programs in promoting sanitation facility. Toilets are constructed and people are asked to avoid open defeating systems. RDT has adopted 10 Government Schools and 10 Day care centers to promote sanitation.
2.3 Liberating Bonded labourersRDT also works to release the bonded labourers from its working villages. People from the Tribal community are kept as bonded labourers in many places. They are found in Rice mills, Brick kilns and wood cutting. RDT in collaboration with Government release bonded labourers in its working villages. 27 bonded labourers were liberated from Thaiyur on 28th April 2023. They were availed transport facility and initial supports were given by RDT.
3. Staff members
3.1 Staff membersStaff meeting is conducted every week in the main office. All the teachers and staff members assemble in the main office in the presence of managing trustee. Teachers who work as full timer and part time attend the meeting without fail. There are 26 teachers and majority of them (24) are women. All these include teachers, Cooks, computer tutors, Tailoring tutor and Accountant and volunteers. This meeting is convened on Saturdays. Proper planning is drawn and actions are geared up to propel all the activities
3.2 VolunteersRDT has volunteers who work along with staff. These volunteers are from the working villages. They give their time for the welfare of the people. They support the tuition teachers in conducting the tuition. They also prepare Tiffin for the children. They inform parents of the children, whenever there are parents meeting. They also help the teacher when there are celebrations. They also help the organization identify suitable beneficiaries for any support. Disabled are identified and they are also supported by the volunteers. They also help the children to attend tailoring and computer courses. Above all they identify the needs in the villages and see actions are geared to achieve them. There are 20 volunteers from various villages in RDT. Their dedication and hard work are very explicit in the organization.
3.3 Field Work TraineesRDT accommodates field work trainees who pursue their masters in social work. Students from SRM University, Hindustan University come for field work placement. They interact with children. They do case work, group work and Community organization programs. The trainees learned how to interact, communicate, and build rapport with government officials and students. They also learn the strategies to conduct programs in the community. They gain communication skills, problem solving skills, activity conducting skills, Rapport building skills and report writing skills. RDT gain reputation because of the training given to social work trainees.