Health is one of the most important areas as we speak of the community development. RDT takes novel steps in promoting health in the concern areas of their services.
NUTRITION PROGRAMThis is conducted for both children and Adolescent girls. Children are given nutritious flour and food in the child care centers and special schools. Adolescent girls are also given nutritious flour and enhancement training to promote health. Sessions comprise the theme and healthy discussions are conducted for boosting their health. Hygienic practices are also enumerated for achieving the sustainable development goals 2030.
MEDICAL CAMPSMedical camp is one of the activities of RDT from the inception. Identifying the service minded Doctors and nursing team to conduct camps in a needy place has been one of the strategic plans to promote health. These camps are conducted for children, women and general public. Preparatory works are systematically done by the team members and pamphlets are distributed in advance to attend the camps. RDT approaches a good medical team which can spend quality time with people who attend the camp. It also sees to that people are prescribed medicines for the minor ailments. Based on the need, RDT also arranges surgery and the whole expenses are met by the organization. RDT has dedicated volunteers to implement the emergency services of any migrant and poor patient.
PROMOTION OF SAFE DRINKING WATERRDT has found that many people were inaccessible to drinking water. People had to walk for long distance to fetch water. It was felt that arranging bore well for the families dwelling in remote villages was one of the most important services of RDT. The felt need was assessed by the volunteers and the difficulties of the people were noted down. Kind donors were approached with data of the villages for fulfilling the need. RDT was successful in identifying the generous hearts to support the needy at the right time with good intention. RDT has installed bore wells in Thirukazhukuntram, Lathur and Thiruporur blocks. People who benefited this water facility are very grateful for the activity.
SANITATION FACILITYSanitation is the 6th goal in the sustainable development goals 2030. RDT takes enormous efforts in promoting Swatch Bharat campaigns. People in the villages are given awareness programs in promoting sanitation facility. Toilets are constructed and people are asked to avoid open defeating systems. RDT has adopted 10 Government Schools and 10 Day care centers to promote sanitation.
TREE PLANTATIONThe present scenario is harming the nature and we all are experiencing different kinds of threats for our life. The mushrooming vehicles and the usages of technologies have made this unhealthy environment. Sustainable development (2030) Goal 13 speaks of climate action and the Goal 15 narrates life on land. RDT decided to motivate children in planting saplings and caring them to grow. Saplings are consistently distributed in all the RDT working villages. RDT has distributed saplings to individual families and planted trees near the road side and waste lands. Totally 15000 trees have been raised by RDT.