Children’s School - Pallikaranai


    Pallikaranai is located in St.Thomas mount block, Chennai District. There are 30 families who speak Oriya living here . They all live in temporary sheds constructed by the company. All these parents are completely engaged in daily wages. Children are left uncared at home. All these children are brought to the Special Education Center. Classes are conducted from 9.00 A.M to 4.00 P.M. A teacher who knows Oriya has been appointed to guide the children.

    There are 12 children in the School. All the subjects have been taught and regular examinations are conducted to know their progress. All the children are provided free educational materials. They are also given 2 sets of uniform and 2 sets of colour dress. Children are also given nutritious food in the noon. Children who complete their education are provided transfer certificates to pursue their higher education. Children are also provided nutritious flour every day to balance their BMI (body mass index).